Nokia Theater
Object Oriented Ontology in Architecture applied to Nokia Theater.
4th Year Design Studio
2013 Spring
Instructor: Tom Wiscombe
In the past few years, ideas brought forth by Graham Harmon in Object Oriented Philosophy i
Object oriented Philosophy by Graham Harmon sparked an interest in architectural circles during the past few years. This studio explored the idea of Object Oriented Ontology in Architecture.
Object Oriented Ontology (OOO) recongnizes each component (exterior mass, the ground, interior components, articulation, etc) as individual components in a flat heirarchical level - the flat ontology. Each component is autonomous yet can exist with each other.
The studio seek to objectify all components of the design in the proposal for the Nokia Theater, in downtown Los Angeles. The brave forms aims at amplifing the Objecthood of each component. Even the articulation on the exteriors seek to mimic a 3 dimensional tattoo condition.
My proposal consists of 3 smallers components poshed into a larger omponent, then covered by two layers of skin. The skins are stratigically shaved and peeled of to expose the components within. The spaces between the layers facilitate circulation, public and semi-public socail spaces.
The exterior form, the sacks, hint at the interior objects and it is influenced by the interior objects. The sack is often loose in some areas that creates a misterious condition. The true underlying forms in the interior can only be experienced at the areas of the shaved off layers.

Skin & Components Diagrams
Modeled in Maya, Articulation in Z brush, Rendered in Mental Ray
Initial Massing Diagram
Powder and PLA 3d printing

Circulation Diagram

Plan Diagram

Site Plan

Bird's eye view

Exterior Skin - Tectonic details

Tectonic Panels

Skin Tectonic
Final Model - Detail

Final Model - Interior Detail

Final Model - Sectional view

Final Model

Final Model
18" x 21" x 14"
Model: Powder and PLA 3D print
Ground: CNC Mill